Monday, March 17, 2008

Time to jaago...

Its really been along time since I posted anything on my blog. This must be one of those 'Most un-wanted' blogs ever. Just occupying a sought after and precious virtual space without adding to the richness of its existence or complementing the beauty (or the beastliness ) of fellow blogs.

Topic have not been scarce, its the reason to write. Not what to write but why to write. Words are limited isn't it and economics has taught us that limited resources should be used very carefully, who knows what might happen if they end?

So many things get written everyday in newspapers, magazines, on the net. So many new books both fiction and no-so fiction appear every week. These cover a gamut of topics...apart from the seven deadly sins, there is history, philosophy,science, politics, motivation; everything today is printed and published beautifully and artistically decorated in hardcover by reputed and new stream of authors. Arre bhai, do people read, I mean do they actually read, try to fathom the meaning apart from the literal meaning.

Do the readers read the brutality of holocaust and pledge not to create one in the 21st century. No they go ahead to make Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Burma, Tibet. My beloved nation has been in such turmoil since my great grand fathers' time. Never mind the economic boom.

Apart from political crisis, forget the economic liberalisation; if someone gets a job it goes without saying that someone must have lost it. There is social malfunctioning. Perfectly sane people with average IQ, full understanding of right and wrong feel nothing wrong to go the worst way possible. For what guys, whats the high that encourages them. And the worse doers are not confined to any particular region or religion or gender. Their fraternity is so universal, they have created a global village of terror, corruption and nihilism.

I write for my bread and butter. Create catchy, short and meaningful headlines to sell flour, soap, services day in and day out. Elaborate copy to explain the clients services to their prospective clients. I write but at the end of the day I cannot help but think when things far more important are not read, how do my words get read?


Roop Rai said...

Good to see you back! Another well written piece. Strange as it may sound, people read your (professional) work more than other work you might deem meaningful. Not many would know War and Peace but everyone would know Mcdonald's-I'm lovin it!! :) As far as I understand, you are a part of history. You're leaving behind written word that might be etched in people's minds longer than what any other 'meaningful' writers might have to share.

roopsie :)

Maya said...

Thanks Roop for the appreciation:)

Roop Rai said...

I am back and you haven't written!!!

Deep Banerjee said...

Antara, its a nice piece of article and followed up well by Roop.
What a pity that people straight out of fancy business schools are paid five digit salaries every month to market those products with short and crisp positioning taglines (like the example that Roop stated).
Kids from 5 years to even younger kids of 75 years easily recall these 'great' writings, and that's what we professionals term as 'Top of the Mind' recall.
More crispy the taglines, more the recall..... more are the rewards and the ceremonies at exotic locations across the globe.
So who cares about the less serious issues of poverty, hunger, AIDS, illiteracy, militancy......