Friday, October 10, 2008

5 days of maaadness...

Well folks, Durga Puja is over. It isn't just with a festival but with every special event. One puts in so much time and effort in planning and preparing and then the D- day arrives and goes away just like that leaving behind a heavy heart and hope of bettering celebrations the next time.

Almost a week long festivity of Durga Puja culminates in immersion of the idols with eyes letting the tears a free flow and a stifle choking all laughter. But why start with the end, why not the very beginning when the dark clouds of the monsoon give way to the clear autumn sky. The sun shines down with all its dazzling brightness as if pledged to eliminate all darkness from the deepest core of earth. The cool breeze of the early morning making one pull one's knees closer to the chin. The scent of the autumn flowers forcing all deos and perfumes to go back to the roots. The evening sets in early as if shooing away the lazy afternoon. The languorous tea session with friends and endless gossip goes on till night when all of a sudden the hurry to reach home makes one realize that the weather has changed.

Mother nature is all set to welcome the festivities in all its colour and spirit, then how can we stay behind.

Be it Navratri or Durga Puja or Eid(this year), the many moods of joyous celebrations is just an excuse to forget all stress, all misgivings, all rejections and dive in to spread smile wherever, whenever.

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